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the Celebration of Sharing & Learning

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Mandala sharing as a celebration of learning
  1. Click a photograph of anything and explain it as a mandala

  2. Share the photo graph as a mandala and explain how you see it as a mandala

  3. Share your joy and learning with others in the group

  4. Sharing will be open on 9 Oct 2023 till 13 Oct 2023

  5. Your view can help others to learn. Let's celebrate the knowledge and enjoy sharing it.

  6. It will help you to develop an "inner eye" to see beyond what is in the picture

  7. Develop a vision to see the depth in every mandala

  8. Please do not post any link or any re-directive tool or app in the group. 

  9. Please do not post more than 3 mandalas in the group, optimum is 1 mandala a day, with your narration under it. 


How do I join
  1. Click  on this prompt to to join the group.

  2. Anyone who knows about mandala can join and share

  3. Make sure you share a Mandala and also its explanations

  4. Its not a marketing group, so do not post any personal or marketing material 

  5. Post only pictures you have clicked and share it as a mandala.


Sharing a Mandala
  1. Its very simple, Click a picture of a mandala

  2. Post it in the whatsApp group called "Mandala Festival 2023 Sharing and learning"

  3. Give your narration of how you see it as a mandala as to how you see it as a Mandala

  4. For example scroll to the bottom of the page and connect with the example given

  5. Do not post any picture with copyright​

  6. All the mandalas posted, the right to use that picture and narration goes to any participants in the group

  7. How many mandalas can I post in a day ?
    you can post 3 Mandalas a day max.

  8. The Admin has the right to delete or approve any mandala depending on the structure of the Festival.  

  9. Can I post my friend's Mandala ?
    Yes, you can, you should have clicked the picture of it and it has to be your narration under the mandala

  10. Can I post only a picture ?
    No, you can post a mandala only with its narration



How to write the narration
  1. Like different Avarana's and Pattern projection (Vikshepa Shakthi), identify different things in the picture you have posted which makes the thing in the picture start and continue existing. 

  2. You can look at it from the Physical, Senses, Will, Heart, Mind, Relationship, as a co-existant in the environment, as how it helps you, how its helpful for the culture, how it is helpful for itself or in any other way you see it being creative in its own depth or identify its essence and narrate about it.

  3. Example of the Mandala that can be posted is given under. 

    Enjoy the festival
    Let the delight of your sharing spread
    May we all grow towards the light
    Lets together grow

for sharing in the group 

Mandala Name: Lotus Flower


Space: Nature

The foundation: The stem, the water, the nourishment from the environment and the plant

Energy: Bloom, energy from the Mother Nature converted by way of the pure fire to blossom

Aspiration: To take forward the plants expansion plan

Blooming : Outside out

Essences which are connected with: Beauty, Surrender, Dedication, connect with the vastness, helping the plant to take its aspiration forward, working by its nature as a connect between the outside world and the plants aspiration, Seed holder etc.

Creator: The Divine energy of the nature

Creation Intelligence: Learning within the seed of the plant since a million years. 

Light source: Sun and the Consciousness. 

Symbolism in Spirituality: Lakshmi Devi has it in both her hands, Saraswathi Devi sits on it, Vishnu carries it in his hand. 

In Hinduism, the lotus represents spiritual enlightenment, beauty, fertility, purity, prosperity and eternity. It is said that there's a lotus flower in every human heart, and that when this lotus blooms, the person achieves enlightenment. 

In the Buddhist tradition, the lotus flower is associated with Buddha himself. Just as the lotus flower emerges from the mud but remains untouched by it, the Buddha rises pure and untouched by the negative aspects of the world and achieves enlightenment.

When water falls on the leaves of the lotus, they don't stick to the leaf, they gather up dirt and other foreign materials as they roll off the surface, allowing the leaves to self-clean.


This behaviour in nature is termed the "lotus effect"


Mandala which I drew

the flow and the patterns

Inside out, I loved it.

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Feeling as narration of the mandala 

I am dark and light

I am curved and straight

I am fullness and divine

I am a Joyous Dance.

Mandala by - Deepa Mahesh

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The light of the sun pours through the window. 

Sitting in meditation, 

the Philosopher absorbs the light in its reflection on the floor. 

He reflects on the light of consciousness, readying himself to ascend the spiral stairway to enlightenment.


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